Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust is an international charity, headquartered at Jersey Zoo in the Channel Islands, working to save species from extinction.

Established by author and conservationist Gerald Durrell in 1959, Durrell’s aim is for more diverse, beautiful and resilient natural landscapes in which species can thrive and people can enjoy a deeper connection with nature.

Durrell pursues its mission by investing in four operational pillars that together strive for our vision of a wilder, healthier, more colourful world.


Rewilding sites

We deliver hands on conservation to combat human-driven threats, support local communities, recover threatened or missing wildlife, and restore ecological functions and habitats.

Father and two daughters observe animals at Jersey Zoo


Jersey Zoo is a centre of excellence in animal husbandry, research, training and education where we deliver endangered species breeding. The zoo also provides a window into the wild to help connect people to nature.

0003 Training

Conservation training

Through our Academies in Jersey and Mauritius we deliver specialist training and capacity building to enable conservationists and partner organisations to become more effective.

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Our Conservation Science team works across our mission to provide scientific evidence to guide our conservation strategies, monitor effectiveness of our actions and evaluate the impact we are achieving.

Can we help?

Speak to a member of our Zoo Admissions team


Call us. Speak to our Zoo Admissions Desk.

Call +44 (0) 1534 860071

Email us. Message our Zoo Admissions Desk.

Email visitor.centre@durrell.org