Meet the pollinators of the primate world, our black and white ruffed lemurs! 

Visit the black and white ruffed lemurs in Kirindy Forest alongside the bokiboky and aye aye. Like other lemurs, they use their long tails for balance whilst they’re climbing and jumping between trees. Black and white ruffed lemurs are believed to be the largest sized pollinator in the world, carrying pollen on their fur throughout the forests of Madagascar!  

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Animal facts

Key facts about the black and white ruffed lemurs

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I’m found in Madagascar 

Black and white ruffed lemurs are found in the forests of Eastern Madagascar.

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My favourite food is nectar 

Fruits, seeds and leaves also make up a large part of the black and white ruffed lemur’s diet.

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I build nests for my babies 

Black and white ruffed lemurs are one of the only primate species to build nests in the trees for their young.


average lifespan


tail length


vocal calls

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A primate pollinator 

In Madagascar, the black and white ruffed lemur’s favourite food is the nectar of the Traveller’s tree. Not only is it a tasty meal for the lemurs, they’re also helping to keep the forest alive. When they drink the nectar from the flowers of the tree, the pollen then sticks to their fur. As they move from tree to tree, they pollinate the Traveller’s tree as they go! 

Help us care for our black and white ruffed lemurs